Trainer Read online

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  “Don’t touch my phone, bitch!” I shouted back.

  I turned the water on before taking off my clothes. We were lucky enough to have an apartment off the NYU campus, but the water took forever to get warm. I stared at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were really red, and Natasha was right; it wasn’t because I’d been playing tennis.

  Chase Brenton.

  He was devastatingly handsome. I sure wasn’t going to deny that. And I’d been this close to just letting him take me in the shower, but the good girl in me had taken over and stopped me.

  Working at the club was my only real source of income, and it was a highly sought-after job. The people I met there could lead to coaching gigs when I finished school. My clients would be the upper crust of society and would pay well. I couldn’t risk throwing away my future because of some gorgeous rich guy with a killer smile and a pretty decent backhand.

  Besides, what was I going to get out of throwing away my virginity to a guy like Chase? Five minutes of mind-blowing sex in the shower and then never hearing from him again? Guys like him had countless girls lined up, thinking they were going to be the next Mrs. Brenton. And then the next thing they knew, they were in an Uber on their way back home, never to be seen again.

  No. Not me.

  I’d keep my dick in my pants (metaphorically) and his in his and focus on the game—the tennis game.

  But now that I was home by myself and the water was warm, it couldn’t hurt to indulge in a little fantasy…

  I stepped into the shower and closed my eyes, picturing Chase’s handsome face and intent eyes fixed on me.

  I took a breath and felt his lips against my skin…and his strong hand as it found my leg and moved up.

  Of course I wasn’t wearing any panties today. It hadn’t been intentional; it was laundry day, for crying out loud! Every girl who plays tennis knows that going commando is a big risk when you’re wearing a skirt, but it hadn’t been windy and I figured I wouldn’t be doing any outrageous maneuvers so I was safe and didn’t have to worry about flashing him…

  …little did I know he’d have his hand up my skirt.

  I reached down between my legs, remembering what his touch had felt like and just how close I’d been to giving myself over to him.

  People always say your first time should be “special.” Well, what could be more special than losing your v-card to a billionaire in the locker room shower of an exclusive Long Island country club?

  You’d think I’d have had some experience with boys by now, having spent most of my life playing sports and being surrounded by jocks, but for some reason I’d always been shy and more focused on practice than having a real social life.

  There wasn’t any particular reason for it; my mom just said I was born shy and a bit introverted. If I wasn’t practicing or doing my homework, I was curled up in bed with a book or taking pictures with my dad’s old film camera.

  In fact, kissing Chase had been my first kiss in three years—my last being my high school “boyfriend” Jim, who’d been doing his best to sweet talk me into giving him a blowjob in the back of his Mustang.

  I hadn’t given myself to Chase, and I wouldn’t, but it didn’t hurt to fantasize, did it?

  Would he have taken me right there in the shower? With the water on or off? I’d imagine he’d have turned the water on so it would mask any…sounds of what was going on, just in case anyone walked in on us.

  How do you have sex in the shower anyway? Standing up, I’d imagine. I’d have to be pretty turned on to let him lay me down on my back on the floor of a public shower—so turned on I’d have to lose my capacity for rational thought (which, based on my initial reaction to Chase, wasn’t that hard to imagine).

  I bet his dick is huge…

  The thought just slid into my mind like his hand had slid up my skirt and I was instantly picturing him stripping down in front of me and putting his body on full display.

  He was fit. I didn’t have to see him naked to know that. Guys like him generally were; they were young, wealthy, spent time at the gym, and probably had someone making their meals for them. It was part of the lifestyle.

  I bet he’s got an eight-pack…

  I reached down between my legs and curled a finger up my slit as I pictured us standing there naked together in the gym shower, our slick bodies pressed up against each other as he slid a finger inside me.

  I’d never even touched a dick, but I was picturing his sliding in and out between my thighs, teasing me with what was to come. My chest heaved as I rubbed my clit, rubbing it faster and faster as I lived out the fantasy of what could have been had I just surrendered to Chase’s advances, and it wasn’t long before my body was shaking and I was gasping for air as an orgasm shook me.

  I leaned back against the cool tile, holding a hand delicately over my pussy, remembering what it was like to have Chase’s lips against my neck, and realized that while I may have been able to escape today, I wasn’t so sure about the future.

  In fact, I was worried that next time I might not be able to.

  Chapter Three


  “Wake up, slut!”

  Natasha’s shrill voice jolted me awake as she pounded on my bedroom door like we had ten seconds to get out of the building before it collapsed.

  “I’m up!” I shouted reflexively, wiping sleep from my eyes.

  “Sure you are,” she replied. “I’m heading out! I’ll be home tonight. You, me, and Chase can all hang out together!”

  “Uh huh, sure. Bye!”

  I heard the apartment door slam and checked my phone for the time: 11:15 AM. I had practice at 11:30, and since I’d showered last night, was able to just grab my bag and head out.

  It was my Saturday Under Twelve class for kids who lived in the area, but when I got to the tennis building, there was a big black sedan sitting right out front of the No Parking signs.

  NYU was no stranger to famous parents or celebrity visits, and I half-expected Puff Daddy to hop out of the back seat as I walked passed, but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, the back door opened and Chase stepped out wearing a pair of grey chinos, a tight white t-shirt, and a broad smile.

  “Hey, coach,” he teased. “Got time for a private lesson?”

  My heart fluttered like I was a little girl again and I felt my cheeks going red. I raised a hand to my forehead like I had an itch in a desperate attempt to hide my blush.

  “Mr. Brenton,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

  “I told you to call me Chase,” he said, stepping right up to me. “And I just told you; I’m here for a private lesson…if you have time.”

  Holy shit, I thought as I did my best to look anywhere but at his princely face. I shouldn’t have been shocked that he’d found me. He knew I was an NYU student, and with money like his, it wouldn’t be hard for him to find out my schedule.

  Still, it was a bit…unnerving that he could find me that easily if he wanted to. It freaked me out a little, but at the same time, I had to admit that it kind of turned me on…

  “I have the Under Twelves lessons…” I started to say, but he waved a hand dismissively.

  “I got someone to cover that for you,” he replied. “Marina Pachinkov. Maybe you’ve heard of her?”

  Heard of her?! Marina Pachinkov was only one of the top players in the world. How the hell did Chase manage to—

  Oh, right. He’s a billionaire.

  “Yeah, I taught her a thing or two back in the day,” I replied.

  “Well, seeing as how your day has freed up,” Chase said. “Why don’t you come teach me a few things and then maybe I can return the favor?”

  “Oh? And how would you do that?” I asked. “Teach me how to trade stocks? How to do a hostile corporate takeover?”

  Chase nodded like he was impressed. “You talk the talk. But can you walk the walk?”

  “What does that mean?” I asked. Chase motioned for me to join him in the back seat of the car that looked l
ike it cost more than my building.

  “Come on and I’ll show you.”

  I bit my lip and thought for a minute. I knew what Natasha would say.

  Yes, bitch! Get that billionaire dick!

  But that wasn’t very helpful.

  This was a time to be rational and think—use my brains. But Chase wasn’t making that easy, standing there in pants that were tight enough to show off the fact that he definitely had a bulge between his legs, and a t-shirt that did nothing to hide his sculpted chest muscles.

  “Does that line work on most girls?” I asked him defiantly.

  “It’s not a line,” he replied. “And you’re not most girls, are you, Cady?”

  His response actually shocked me, and for a moment, took my breath away. I must have been making a silly face because his smile broadened and he motioned to me again.

  “Come on,” he said, his voice warm and comforting. “I freed your day up for you. Don’t tell me you won’t spend at least some of it with me.”

  “And you just want a lesson, right?” I asked, knowing full well that wasn’t even close to all he wanted. But Chase just nodded.

  “Of course.”

  I could tell by his tone that he didn’t mean what he said, and he could no doubt tell by the look on my face that I didn’t believe him for a second. But for the moment, it seemed we were both quite happy to play like we didn’t know what the other one was doing. So I gave in.

  “Fine,” I said as I pushed past him and slid into the back seat of the car. “But just one lesson.”

  Chase hopped in beside me and pressed a button by his seat, causing the car door to close automatically.

  “Let’s go, Jeremy,” he said to his driver, who I half-expected to be dressed like a guy driving a horse and buggy from the 1800s.

  The car pulled off and I was suddenly conscious of the fact that I was alone in the back seat with a man I’d told myself I was going to keep my distance from so as to not jeopardize my future and career.

  But as I sat there, smelling a slight hint of whatever designer cologne he’d put on this morning, feeling the tiniest bit of heat from his body as he sat next to me, I couldn’t ignore the feelings racing through me.

  “You all right?” Chase asked. I glanced quickly over at him and saw him giving me a funny look like I’d just grown antlers.

  “Fine,” I said quickly. “So, what did you want to work on today?”

  “Well, if we’re being honest,” Chase said, sliding closer to me. “I was hoping we could pick up where we left off the other day.”

  And then he leaned in and kissed me.


  My body tensed up as his lips met mine. A rush of endorphins hit me like a golden wave. A moan rose up in my throat but I quickly pushed it back down and then pushed myself away.

  This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen!

  Or did I?

  “No, no, I—” I put a hand over my lips and moved away from him. “We can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” Chase smiled. “Is it because Jeremy’s here? Because I can have him pull over and get out—”

  “No, it’s not that,” I replied, glancing at the driver. “I mean—it is kind of, but that’s not the main reason why.”

  “So what is the main reason why?”

  I scrunched up my lips and looked up at him.

  God, he’s handsome!

  “This is my job,” I replied slowly. “And I can’t…don’t you have plenty of other girls throwing themselves at you?”

  “I do,” he said simply.

  “So then…why me?”

  It was as though I’d asked him the perfect question.

  “Because I don’t want them,” he replied, moving closer. “I want you.”


  I tried to speak, but no words came out. I realized I had my hand clenched desperately around the grip of my racquet like it was my safety line that would somehow protect me against Chase’s overwhelming charm and sexiness.

  But as his lips touched mine again, I realized that this was a game I wasn’t going to win.

  Chapter Four


  My cock jerked beneath my pants as I kissed Cady’s delicate lips and filled my nose with her sweet scent. She wasn’t wearing any perfume, and I actually loved that. Girls always got themselves dolled up trying to impress me, and if I had to smell one more perfume from Paris or Milan or wherever on some girl trying to get in my pants (or bank account), I was going to be sick.

  But not Cady. I could smell her hair, with a faint scent of shampoo or conditioner, and her scent, which had all my man instincts on fire.

  If she wasn’t a student-athlete, she could have been a model. In fact, she could probably do regular and sports modeling with a body like that…a body I was dying to claim as mine.

  This was a girl I’d be proud to have at my side at any restaurant or night spot in the city, any movie premiere or press event, or even just back at my penthouse lying in bed with me…

  …especially that.

  I’d been thinking about her all night. I’d hardly even slept. Every time I lay my head down on the pillow, filthy fantasies flitted through my mind of all the things I wanted to do to her.

  I knew I had to have her, so I’d made the right arrangements to free up her day. I also knew she’d come—first with me in the car and then with me again and again and again…

  No girl had turned my head like this before. Cady had my body on fire, my blood boiling, and my focus on her and nothing else. Thankfully it was the weekend and I didn’t have anything pressing to take care of or I would have been screwed.

  I leaned into her and felt her plump breasts against my chest and almost lost it when she moaned against my lips.

  That’s it, princess. Anything for you.

  She was wearing one of her tennis skirts again, and if today was anything like yesterday, I knew there was nothing going on underneath.

  With my dick as hard as a rock, ready to burst out of the fly of my pants, I ran my hand up her leg like I’d done back in the locker room. Her body quivered and I felt her warmth on my fingertips as I sought her flower.

  And then I felt it—the wetness on her inner thighs that signaled her arousal for me. No matter what she said now, even if she tried to play coy with me, I knew she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. And I was going to have her.

  I went to slide a finger inside her but she closed her legs and stopped me.

  “Your driver,” she whispered in my ear. “Not in front of him.”

  Cock-blocked by Jeremy, I thought. Should have got a limo with the divider.

  But Cady was right; we didn’t need an audience. Not for this.

  “We almost there, Jeremy?” I asked.

  “Almost, boss,” he replied.

  “Almost there?” Cady asked, confused. “We’re not even out of Manhattan. Long Island is a long drive from here.”

  “That’s fine,” I smiled. “We’re not going to Long Island. We’re going to my penthouse.”

  Cady looked at me, still confused, then a knowing smile crossed her lips and she slapped me on the shoulder.

  “You jerk!” she laughed. “This was your plan all along!”

  “It might have been,” I smiled. She opened her mouth to say something else but I silenced her with a deep kiss. Her lips were plump, firm, moist, and making me lust for what she was hiding between her legs—barely hiding beneath her skirt.

  I could barely keep myself from tearing her clothes off for the rest of the ride to the apartment, and by the time Jeremy had the car parked, I was ready to bust in my pants. Cady was a goddess and I was dead sure I wasn’t going to be able to last when I finally got inside her.

  I raised myself up off of her and stared into her gorgeous blue eyes. I could see the innocence hiding behind them. This wasn’t a girl who’d been around the block; this was a girl who’d barely even stepped out onto the pavement. And I was going to show her ever

  “Come on,” I whispered, taking her hand. “I’ll see ya, Jeremy.”

  “See ya, boss.”

  I could hear the sly tone in his voice and knew I’d have to give him a talking to later. He assumed this was just me taking home a girl who’d caught my eye, but he had no idea.

  The truth of the matter was that I was completely possessed by Cady. It was like she had a gravitational pull on me that I was powerless to resist. I wanted to worship at the altar of her body, please her in every way possible, and make her come so many times she could no longer speak.

  I didn’t know how many times some online or print publication had speculated about when “New York’s Most Eligible Bachelor” would find a “nice girl” and settle down, but as I stepped into the private elevator that would take me up to the penthouse, I had a feeling they were finally going to have something to write about.

  “This is…fancy,” Cady said softly as I pressed the button and the doors shut and the elevator began to rise.

  “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet,” I grinned.

  I tugged her hand and pulled her to me, crushed my lips against hers, and cupped her ass as we rode the elevator to the top floor. All it took was a quick flick of my fingertips to get her skirt up over her hips and my hands on her soft skin.

  I probed deeper with my fingers and felt her wetness practically dripping out of her. She was ready, and so was I.

  “Chase…” she said, her voice barely a whisper.

  “Yes, princess?”

  “I—I don’t just want to be another girl that you do this with,” she said. “Tell them you want a tennis lesson…bring them back to your amazing apartment…”

  “That’s not what this is,” I told her firmly. “I promise you, Cady. And I would never lie to you.”

  “You already did,” she said with a soft smile. “When you told me we were going to play tennis today.”

  She had me there.

  “Okay, a white lie,” I replied. “And the only one I’ll ever tell you. I promise.”

  Cady twisted her lips in thought.