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Trainer Page 3

  “I promise,” I repeated. “As a matter of fact, you’re the only girl I’ve ever brought here.”

  “Promise?” she asked again.

  I nodded and brushed a strand of hair from her face.


  The elevator came to a halt and I heard the sound of heavy bass thumping and wondered for a second if I’d left the music on when I left this morning, but when the elevator doors dinged open and I turned around, I realized that it was something far worse.

  A horde of topless girls cheered and leapt into the air when they saw me. Three blondes with huge fake boobs blew kazoos and two brunettes tossed confetti all over me. Cady got hit with the collateral damage and recoiled against the back wall.

  “There he is!”

  I heard the voice and knew before I saw her; it was Melinda, my COO. She trotted out from between the throng of cheering, half-naked girls, wearing a huge party hat on her head and waving her arms in the air like a sorority girl.

  My heart sank and I quickly turned around to face Cady, who looked like someone had just told her her mom had died.


  “I—I have to go,” she said, quickly thumbing the button for the lobby.

  “No, wait!” I protested. “This wasn’t my idea!”

  I tried to go to her but Melinda snatched me by the wrist and pulled me out of the elevator and into the arms of countless half-naked women.

  “It’s fine,” Cady replied as the doors began to close. “You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not just for me.”

  “Cady!” I shouted, trying to make my voice heard over the girls’ chatter. “Cady, wait!”

  But it was too late. The last thing I saw before the elevator doors closed was a single tear falling from Cady’s eye.

  Chapter Five


  You’re so stupid…

  My stomach sank and it wasn’t from the elevator going down. I wiped the tear from my cheek, feeling like the most gullible girl in the whole world.

  What were you thinking?

  Of course Chase Brenton, New York City’s most eligible bachelor, wasn’t interested in me, some random college girl from a non-wealthy family who was just trying to work her way through school giving tennis lessons.

  Of course he’d have a whole harem of women waiting for him at his apartment. Had he just forgotten all about them or something? Or had he meant to bring me to his other apartment and gotten mixed up?

  Or his other-other apartment?

  It didn’t matter. All that mattered now was me getting the hell out of here and back home. I had an Uber ordered before the elevator even made it to the garage.

  The doors dinged and I made my way up the exit ramp, but the door was closed and I didn’t see a side door for pedestrians. I waved my hand at the little car sensor but nothing happened.

  I was trapped.

  “Oh, come on!” I shouted as I spun around and looked for another exit. Of course this had to be some insanely expensive building with wild security. There was a booth with glass at the far end of the garage, and I made my way towards it hoping to find someone who could let me out, but as I did, I saw the elevator was back on its way down.


  “No, no, no, no,” I hissed as I hurried to the booth to find a bored-looking security guard on his phone. “Can you let me out please!”

  He just about jumped out of his skin and I realized I’d spoken a lot louder than I’d intended to.

  “Who are you?” he asked.


  “Ahhhh,” he smiled, waving a finger at me. “I know who you are.”

  My heart sank even lower than it already was. The guard thought I was one of the girls from upstairs. And why wouldn’t he? There had to have been at least twenty of them up there and he must have seen all of them go up.

  Just another set of surgically enhanced tits for New York City’s most eligible bachelor.

  “No, you don’t,” I corrected him. “I’m not here for that. I’m on my way out, so can you just open the door for me—?”

  “Cady!” Chase called out from behind me.

  “Open the door!” I shouted at the security guard. He jumped again but pressed a button and the garage door started to open. I spun around and walked as quickly as I could away from Chase, but he rushed ahead of me and blocked my path.

  “Get out of my way!” I all but screamed.

  “Cady, just let me explain—”

  “I don’t need you to explain!” I shouted back. “I’m just another one of those girls to you, aren’t I?”


  “Just another floozy who wants to party at Chase Brenton’s place!”

  “I would never think that of you!”

  “Do you know how that guard looked at me!?” I hissed.

  “I’m sorry…”

  “Like I was just some…some skank!” I blurted out. “I’ve never been so humiliated…”

  I tried to brush past him as I felt more tears begin to well up in my eyes, but Chase stepped in front of me like a cowboy trying to calm a skittish horse.

  “Move,” I whispered.

  “Let me explain, Cady!”

  “Move!” I shouted.

  I couldn’t stop them now. More tears flowed from my eyes as I hung my head. I watched them spill from my cheeks, making tiny dark drops on the concrete floor where they landed.

  “Cady,” Chase said softly. “This is all a big misunderstanding.”

  He reached for my hand but I recoiled at his touch. I knew I should just race past him and get out of there, but part of me wanted to hear his explanation…

  …part of me still believed it wouldn’t be complete bullshit.

  “I doubt it,” I replied.

  “It wasn’t my idea,” he protested. “It was Melinda, my COO.”

  “What’s a COO?” I snapped.

  “Chief Operations Officer,” he replied. “She helps me run the company—it doesn’t really matter—but all that upstairs? That was her idea and she didn’t tell me about it.”

  “Yeah, right,” I replied. I kept my head down like I didn’t want to listen, but the truth was that I was hanging on his every word.

  “Melinda is…a bit wild,” he said slowly, as though he was choosing his words carefully. “She wanted to surprise me with a party and that’s what that was up there.”

  “That’s your normal kind of party, is it?”

  “No!” he said firmly. “And…that’s why she did it. Because I haven’t been going out much lately or seeing anybody.”

  “Really?” I asked, finally looking up. “And why’s that? And don’t tell me it’s because you’re finally looking to settle down.”

  Chase opened his mouth to speak, then thought of something, stopped, and started again.

  “Okay…let’s just say I’ve grown a bit tired of that kind of life. And believe me, if I’d known Melinda was going to do that, I never would have taken you back here.”

  I still wasn’t convinced, but I was getting there. Chase didn’t seem like a liar to me, but then again, what did I know about guys? Let alone billionaire ones?

  “Cady,” he said, bending slightly so he was down at my eye level. “I want to be with you, not them. And I’m going to prove it to you now.”

  “Yeah? How are you gonna do that?” I asked.

  Chase leaned in, a sparkle in his eyes that had my stomach swimming with butterflies, and squeezed my hand in his.

  “I’m going to take you out of here,” he told me. “Away from all this nonsense, where I can have you all to myself. Come on.”

  Chapter Six


  I wanted to kill Melinda. Really, I did. If she wasn’t such a damn good COO, I would have fired her years ago. But this last little stunt, along with the other things that had been going on lately, had me ready to finally pull the trigger.

  Melinda had been working for me for three years now and was basically m
y right-hand woman. She knew how to keep the troops in line, how to boost morale when it was needed, and how to use her charms on people to get us places I couldn’t. But lately, things had shifted between us and I knew why.

  Melinda wanted me.

  At first I’d thought all the eyelid flickering and cute faces she’d been giving me were just part of her sucking up to me and making it obvious that she would do whatever it took to keep her job, but a few months ago after our company retreat to New Hampshire, I realized the truth.

  We’d gone camping in the mountains as part of a team bonding exercise, and after the hike, bonfire, and cookout, Melinda had crept into my tent looking to do a little more than just chat with her boss.

  I told her no, of course. I wasn’t one to mix business with pleasure, and even if I was, Melinda just wasn’t my type. She was rough, abrasive, and honestly kind of rubbed me the wrong way on a personal level. On a business level she was great; she got things done and the company was better with her, but I just could never see myself with her.

  She’d pretended to take it well, but I knew she was furious. Melinda had grown up wealthy, gone to the best schools, and had everything she’d ever wanted, and now she wanted me but couldn’t have me, and that was driving her crazy.

  That little “surprise party” back at the apartment had been a ruse. Really, what had happened was that she’d heard (probably from Jeremy) that I was bringing a girl home with me, had gotten jealous, and decided to ruin it for me.


  I was furious, of course, not because of what she’d done to me, but because of what she’d done to Cady.

  Seeing those tears running down her cheeks had made me want to demolish the entire building. It was a protective instinct I hadn’t felt since ten years ago when I was in college and Dick Rainy, hotshot on the crew team, had been going after Lana Brown, a cute girl in the drama club who I had my eyes on.

  But this feeling I had now was a thousand times stronger than anything I’d felt back then. I would go to war for Cady. I’d do anything to make sure I never saw another tear in her eye again unless they were tears of happiness.

  “I thought you were taking me out of here,” she asked as I led her back into the elevator.

  “I am,” I smiled, pressing the button with the big red R on it.

  “R?” she asked. “That doesn’t mean—that doesn’t mean what I think it means, does it?”

  I only smiled back at her. She knew damn well what it meant, and I felt like a schoolboy again as we rode the elevator all the way to the roof. There weren’t many times when I felt like actually showing off my wealth and power, but this was one of them.

  The elevator doors opened onto the roof and Cady gasped. My private helicopter was sitting on the helipad with the pilot waiting for us. She looked up at me like she couldn’t believe it, but I only smiled back.

  “Come on,” I told her, stepping out.

  “But…I thought helicopters were banned from flying in Manhattan!” she asked in disbelief.

  “They are,” I replied as the pilot stepped out and held the door for us. “But let’s just say the mayor owes me a favor or two.”

  “Long Island, Mr. Brenton?” the pilot asked.

  “Upstate,” I replied. “How’s the weather?”

  “Nice and easy. Should be a smooth flight.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  I turned to Cady, who looked like she thought I was playing a prank on her.

  “You can’t be serious,” she said. “This is like something out of a movie.”

  “A damn good movie,” I told her, leaning in. “Now get in so we can make one of our own at my house.”

  Her cheeks went red and I put a hand on her hip and guided her up into the back seat, then slid in beside her. The pilot closed the door and got in, and as we buckled up, started the engine up.

  The blades whirred and Cady gripped my hand tight. I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek as I set her headset over her ears. She yelped as the helicopter lifted up then tilted down and to the right as the pilot turned us north and we began to pull away from the city.

  “Don’t worry!” I told her. “He’s a very good pilot!”

  “This is crazy!” she laughed back. She absolutely beamed when she smiled, and as we flew over the city, I pointed down at various landmarks we’d both recognize. She jumped a little when she saw NYU and waved a finger at her building.

  “That’s mine! That’s mine!”

  “Looks a bit different from up here, doesn’t it?”

  Chapter Seven


  I didn’t even know what to think when the helicopter touched down on the helipad of Chase’s home upstate. Not only had the flight there felt like I’d been whisked away into some kind of romance novel, but as I stood there staring at his sprawling stone mansion, I felt like I’d suddenly become royalty.

  “I come here when I really need to get away,” Chase told me, taking my hand again. “Do you ride?”

  I looked over at him, expecting to see a sly smile on his lips, but he was just looking at me like it was a perfectly normal question.

  “Wait…horses?” I asked. Chase nodded. “You have horses?!”

  “I’m a billionaire, baby,” he smirked.

  “Wow,” I laughed. “Is there anything you don’t have?”

  Chase’s eyes narrowed slightly and he wrapped his strong arm around my waist and pulled me to him.

  “Just one thing.”

  My heart almost jumped out of my chest.

  I was caught up in the most incomprehensible mix of excitement, nervousness, and arousal and was sure that if I didn’t get some kind of relief soon, my head was going to explode.

  Thankfully, Chase knew exactly how I was feeling, and rather than waiting for me to blabber out some kind of response, he lifted me easily into his arms like I was his new bride and carried me up the sand drive that led to the front of the house.

  The sky was filled with thick, fluffy white clouds set against the deep blue sky. Chase’s arms were hard like a bodybuilder’s and the heat from his body had my body aching for his.

  I could smell him, and I threw my arms around him and buried my nose in his neck and took a deep breath, cementing the moment in my mind with his scent. I wasn’t used to this at all. I’d done more with Chase in the last twenty-four hours than I’d done with any guy ever.

  And as he carried me up the steps, I had a feeling we were about to do a lot more.

  I half-expected a suited butler to open the door for us, but Chase was true to his word when he said this was where he went to get away. He pressed his finger on a small black thumb pad and the door clicked and unlocked. He pulled it open, and with a silly little half-bow, motioned for me to enter.

  “After you,” he grinned.

  Blushing, I did a little half curtsy (or at least tried to) before skipping inside.

  The foyer of the house was bigger than my entire apartment—by far. Slabs of marble covered the floor and white walls flanked us on either side. A staircase of grey stone led up to the second floor in front of us and I could see an enormous, perfectly landscaped lawn through two tall windows on the far wall ahead of us.

  “Well?” Chase asked. “What do you think?”

  “Oh, it’s a little small for my tastes,” I replied. “But I guess it’ll do.”

  “Oh, a size queen, eh?” he grinned. “Well, I’ve got just the thing for you.”

  Our lips met and my body lit up for him again. His hands found my waist, then traced the curve of my lower back as he moved down and lifted the hem of my skirt. He cupped my ass like he owned me, and I arched my body against his and sucked his lower lip as he reached one hand between my legs.

  His touch was like a shock of heaven. My body quivered and a moan pressed from my lips against his. I parted my legs, inviting him to go deeper, and he did.

  A single finger slid inside and my body came alive. I cried out as I was penetrated
for the first time. Chase growled against my neck, kissing me as he fingered my virgin pussy. I gripped him tight and held on for dear life as my body bloomed with sensations I’d never felt before.

  “Chase…” I moaned as he spread me open.

  “I’ve got you, princess,” he whispered back. “I’ve got you.”

  My nipples were hard beneath my shirt and I was dripping wet—so wet that I could feel my juices running down the inside of my thighs. I felt my pulse in my ears and my body was on fire.

  Chase’s strong hand held my ass while he fingered me. Without thinking, I grabbed my shirt by the hem and pulled it up and off and tossed it aside. The urge to show my body to Chase was overwhelming. I wanted to lay myself bare before him, give myself to him, and let him do whatever he wanted to me…with me…

  “Your tits are perfect,” he growled. I barely had time to gasp before he brought his lips to my left nipple.

  My back arched as he sucked, and without even thinking, I reached my hand down between his legs. His bulge was enormous. I could hardly believe it.

  Chase’s lips moved from my left nipple to my right and then down. He kissed my stomach down to my belly button, then wrapped his teeth around the waistband of my skirt. His fingers found the zip at the back, and with a quick tug, it was falling past my thighs.

  “Chase—” I started to say, but was cut off when his tongue pressed against my mound.

  My head tilted back and my mouth fell open as a feeling more intense than anything I could have ever imagined rushed through me like a brilliant bolt of golden lightning, starting at my core and branching out through my limbs until my entire body was tingling.

  He growled, sending tiny vibrations through my pussy lips and inner thighs. When I was able to look back down, I saw him staring up at me, his eyes fixed and intent, as he knelt beneath me with his mouth on my soaking cunt.

  Fuck…I’d never felt so dirty and turned on in my life.

  His hands cupped my ass and pulled me tighter to him, like he was trying to smother himself with my pussy. His tongue dragged up my slit from my hole to my clit, causing me to cry out as it flattened out and rolled around my pleasure button.